The Big Questions Part 7 “Did You See Her?” THRIVE Service Livestream

The Big Questions Part 7 "Did You See Her?" THRIVE Service Livestream

It’s a popular phrase currently used by a younger generation: “I See You.” It means, “You matter,” “You count,” “I see you as a person of worth and value.”

It’s supposed to be a dinner meeting with Jesus and a Pharisee named Simon. But there’s a third person in the room.

The question Jesus is asking Simon is this, “Do you see this woman?” And the answer is no, he doesn’t see her. She is a woman, uninvited, unwelcomed, unimportant and because of her past reputation, someone you’d avoid like the plague. She’s there, in the room, and she might as well have been invisible.

But Jesus sees her, really sees her as a child of God and a real person of worth and dignity.

We don’t “see” the invisible people we pass every day in our lives. We don’t know them, nor do we even notice them. There are people you live with, work with every day who feel unloved, unworthy, and unimportant; they feel as if they are invisible. Employees feel undervalued and underappreciated. Wives feel invisible. Husbands feel taken for granted. Sons and daughters feel misunderstood. Older parents feel neglected.

At the heart of every relationship is the desire to be seen, acknowledged, valued.

Three simple words that make all the difference in the world.

Jesus looks at us and says,

“I See You.”
“I Hear You.”
“I Know You.”
“I Get You.”
“I Love You.”


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