Every Scar Has a Story- Jesus Showed Us His Scars Part 4 “Scarred by Disappointment” Traditional Service Livestream
“He’s not at all what I expected”.
Ever been let down by someone? Ever felt the disappointment when something didn’t turn out like you thought it would?
We all have expectations. Expectations of how the world should work, what’s fair and what’s not; what’s right and what’s wrong. Expectations of the people we live with or work with.
But sometimes it doesn’t work out. Sometimes people disappoint us, let us down. Sometimes we disappoint ourselves. I expected you to be one thing, but you turned out to be something different. The higher the expectation, the greater chance for disappointment.
When Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem the excitement grows, and the crowds get bigger. They believe He is the One. He will overthrow the Romans and restore Israel to its place among the nations of the world. He will free his people. The expectations are almost too much to contain. The excitement is palpable.
Then in a few days, it’s over. He hangs on a cross, and the shock and disappointment become more than people can bear.
“He’s not at all what I expected”. “I thought he would overthrow the Romans. I thought he would be the One. I thought he would answer my prayer. I thought he would make everything right…”
Maybe, there’s nothing wrong with him, but everything wrong with our expectations of him.
I’m the problem.
I want Jesus to be everything I need him to be.
Jesus expects me to become what He wants me to be.
So, if He’s not what we expected, then who is He?
Or more importantly, “What does He expect from us?”