Every Scar Has a Story – Jesus Showed Us His Scars Part 1 “Scarred by Religion” THRIVE Service

Jesus encounters a man who is born blind, and the assumption is that either he or his parents sinned. Someone did something wrong to cause him to be blind. How else do you explain it? Sometimes religion, even with the best of intentions, even unintentionally, does harm. The man is led to believe he has been cursed by God. Jesus heals him but more importantly heals his sense of guilt and shame and upends the popular notion that he is cursed. Religion has the power to hurt and the power to heal. The power to build up and the power to tear down. There are countless people who have been scarred by religion, hurt deeply by the pain they felt in being rejected, neglected, and ostracized.
If you’ve ever been scarred by religion, you’re not alone. Jesus has his own scars.
This is a story we all need to hear.