Trinity Re-Entry Plan

Dear Trinity Family,

I want to share with you a very important decision that was made on Monday night, June 1st, by the Church Council. The decision was to have worship on our campus beginning Sunday, June 21st.

Click the video below to learn more about our re-entry.

Beginning Sunday, June 21

9:30 am- THRIVE Service in the Activity Center

11:0 am – Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary

We will continue to have our online worship service at 11:00am on both our church website,, and our Trinity Facebook page.

ReEntry Guidelines

In order for everyone to be safe as we re-enter our campus, we will be following these guidelines:

  • If you have experienced any COVID-19-related symptoms in the last two weeks, if you have compromising health issues, or if you’re not quite ready to venture out, please continue to join us for worship on our website from the comfort of your home. Know that our church family loves you and we want you to be safe!
  • While we are excited to gather together, we ask that everyone practice social distancing while on campus.
  • Each person will be required to wear a mask over their nose and mouth while on campus.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are available on the outside and inside of the building.
  • Bathrooms will be limited to 2 people at a time.
  • As you enter the building you will be guided to a seat, and when the service is over you will be escorted from your seat so that we keep social distancing guidelines at all times.
  • No worship area paper items will be available and Bibles, pens, notepads and all other informational items have been removed.
  • We will not be passing the offering plates to receive our morning offering.  However, offering boxes will be provided at each exit if you want to give while you are on campus.  If you prefer, you can continue to give by check and mail it to the church or you can give online.
  • There will be no childcare or nursery until we are further along in our re-entry process so if you are comfortable, please bring your children to worship with you.
  • Our diaper changing stations will not be available.  So if your child has that need, we ask that you return to your car and take care of your child before returning to worship.
  • We will not have Sunday school at this time on the campus so we are encouraging all classes to continue meeting online at a time that is convenient for them.

In the next few days, we will be sending out an email asking about your intent to come on June 21st. We want to be ready for everyone who wants to come worship on campus. By filling out your intent to come, you will be helping us plan and be better prepared.

We are very excited about re-entering our campus for worship on Sunday, June 21st, and if you are able, I hope to see you there.

Bless you,

Dr. Dean Posey