Our History
The first service was held in August 1964, in a renovated stock barn on Mistletoe Lane and 39 people joined together to become Trinity Methodist Church. With a vision and an energetic Senior Pastor, Reverend Don M. Pike, the church grew too big for the barn. Services for the 78 were held at C.C. Duff Elementary until Trinity’s members of 350 outgrew that and the new church was built on the corner of Norwood and Park Row. In 1970, Reverend John Ogden was appointed to serve Trinity. The membership had grown to 650. There was a great deal of growth and staff was added as well as additional buildings for Sunday Schools and other Educational needs. In 1976, Reverend Warren Olliff was appointed to Trinity and membership had grown to 1100. Reverend Bob Richmond was appointed to Trinity in 1980 and with the continued growth it became necessary to hold Sunday School classes at both worship services. In August of 1984 Trinity celebrated our 20th Anniversary, which coincided with Methodism’s 200th year and the 2,000 member to join Trinity!
Reverend Richard Jenkins was the Senior Pastor in 1985 and he hosted a Gathering of all the members with charter members, former pastors, special guests, and staff at the Arlington Convention Center. In 1987, Reverend James R. Porter was appointed to Trinity. Under his leadership, Trinity adopted a “Trinity Visions” program to reach out to nurture the church and the unchurched. Trinity also became actively involved in community ministries, including Arlington Charities, Arlington Night Shelter and Arlington Woman’s Shelter. Reverend Porter also developed a radio ministry. A new Sanctuary was built and membership had grown to 3000. In 1992 the properties across Park Row were purchased for Sunday Schools and Youth Ministries. There were great things happening during this time.
In 1994, Reverend Jim Chandler was Trinity’s Senior Pastor. The pipe organ was dedicated in 1998 and the Resurrection Cross was dedicated in memory of Ed Richardson, by his wife, Edna Richardson; a long time member and active in many areas of Trinity.
In 2001, Reverend John Robbins was appointed to Trinity. There was a great dynamic going on at Trinity and this created a need for more space to worship. Trinity was landlocked at Park Row; due to this restriction, a committee was formed to find a more appropriate property.
In 2006, with many prayers and a God intervention, the 29 acres at the corner of West Green Oaks and Pioneer Parkway was purchased. We called our new home The Promise Land. In 2007, Reverend Scott Youngblood was appointed to Trinity and was responsible for overseeing the construction of our present site. He served on the building committee and was a frequent visitor during the many stages of growth of the building. In October 2012, the first services were held at our new location. The new church was amazing and brought in many visitors who had watched it being built.
In July 2013, Dr. Dean Posey was appointed to serve at Trinity. Over the next few years, there were many exciting changes including the growth of our Sunday Schools and the development of the South 15 fields for the Sport’s Ministry. In 2014, Trinity celebrated 50 years of ministry!
In November 2022, Rev. Ben Disney was appointed as Trinity’s Senior Pastor. It continues to be an exciting time at Trinity as we seek to live out our mission of “Leading Others to Jesus.”

The beautiful stained glassed window in the Sanctuary was given in honor and memory of Orville Niblack by his family.
There is an interesting motivation behind this gift. Orville and Saunda enjoyed visiting churches on their travels and they had a passion for the stained glassed windows in these churches and would look for them in the different locations.
When you look at the window in the Sanctuary it has three circles. This represents God with three bands of light and reminds us that He brought light into the world. Jesus represents the Son who welcomes all to Him and to our church. The Holy Spirit is represented by the ascending Dove and is present in all believers.
This is a custom design and hand painted by Dennis Roberts, at D.H.S. Studios in Fredericksburg, Texas.