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Trinity United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe environment for children and youth who attend the church or any church-sponsored programs or activities. We intend to take the necessary precautions to protect church leaders and volunteers from false accusations or suspicion.
Trinity’s leadership recognizes the need to have formal, written polices and guidelines to help prevent the opportunity for, or the appearance of, abuse to any minor. The following procedures are necessary to protect our pre-schoolers, children, youth, employees, volunteers and the entire church family.
All persons wishing to volunteer to work with children and youth in any capacity at Trinity United Methodist Church must be cleared through the Ministry Safe child protection plan.
Prospective volunteers must attend a training session and complete the Ministry Safe Volunteer Application process. Please contact the Church Office for more information or to register your attendance at or 817-274-1345.
The Ministry Safe Policy and Procedures for the Prevention of Abuse of Children and Youth at Trinity United Methodist Church is available in the Church Office for your review or a copy will be given to you at the training session. The required paperwork will be sent to you, or can be picked up in the Church Office.
If you have been trained in Safe Sanctuaries or Ministry Safe more than two years ago, you will still need to get re certified in Ministry Safe in order to participate in the TUMC programs.
Certification will last for two years and then you will have to renew again
Our policies, when working with children or youth, have been updated. We strive to make a safe environment for our children, youth, volunteers, and staff. We are a church who cares about the welfare of ALL who enter onto our campus or, participate in any of our programs.
How to Become Ministry Safe Certified
This is actually a multiple step process – and all 5 steps are required (including two short training sessions):
1. Take an online “abuse awareness” training with a short quiz at the end.
This takes around 30-45 minutes. Your name, email address, and phone number will be entered into the Ministry Safe system and the link will be sent to you via email from Ministry Safe. If you do not have easy access to a computer, we will work with you to get you online in order to complete this component.
2. Fill out an application form and provide 3 references.
The individuals you list as a reference will be sent a form by mail or email (their preference). Before proceeding to the next step, all forms and references must be completed.
3. Pass a background check.
(In order to start the back ground check process, your signed application must be on file).
4. Take a short training.
on Trinity’s new Policy and Procedures for working with our children
and youth and sign a Code of Conduct agreement.
5. Have a short interview with the Ministry Safe Administrator. They will call or email you to schedule the interview.
If you have any questions, or need to begin the process, please contact
the church office at, or 817-274-1345.